Episode 47: TOEM

In this week’s episode, Nicky and Eric discuss the best way to photograph a 2.5 dimensional cartoon in TOEM. TOEM is a photography/puzzle game developed and published by Swedish independent game studio Something We Made. It was released in September 2021 for Windows, Switch, and PS5. You play as a young photographer who must ascend a mountain to witness a phenomenon known as TOEM. In order to advance to new areas you must receive stamps by doing good deeds for NPC’s so you can ride the bus. Thankfully for you, most of those good deeds involves taking pictures.

Credits: Nicky Smith, Eric Luedtke, Music by Mark Spurlock

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2 responses to “Episode 47: TOEM”

  1. Andrew Avatar

    Not sure if the gameplay would be to my taste but I really enjoy the art style after looking it up on YouTube. I might pick it up if I see it on sale. I thought of another camera game while you guys were on the subject talking about Pokemon Snap being the only other one. The Fatal Frame games on PS2 used a camera to take pictures of ghosts. I never played them though so I don’t know if there was more to it than that.

    1. Press Any Button Podcast Avatar

      I’ll have to check that one out! – Nicky

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