Episode 57: Superman 64

This week, Nicky and Eric play the infamous Superman 64. Find out if it lives up to the hype of being one of the worst games of all time in a heroically misguided episode of Press any Button. Superman: The New Superman Adventures, commonly referred to as Superman 64, is an action-adventure game developed and published by Titus Interactive for the Nintendo 64 and based on the television series Superman: The Animated Series. Released in North America on June 1, 1999, and in Europe on July 23, 1999, it is the first 3D Superman game.

Credits: Nicky Smith, Eric Luedtke, Music by Mark Spurlock and Eric Luedtke

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2 responses to “Episode 57: Superman 64”

  1. Andrew Avatar

    I thought for sure this episode would only be ten minutes long, I’ve never seen anyone make it past the car part 😂. I’ve never played it but I think it gets unfairly hated since most N64 games are just terrible in general 😎

    1. Press Any Button Podcast Avatar

      lol, I think it’s a pretty significant notch below most N64 games. Most games for the N64 just haven’t aged well since 3d was still fairly new at the time and the graphics are dated.

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