This week, Nicky and Eric play the infamous Superman 64. Find out if it lives up to the hype of being one of the worst games of all time in a heroically misguided episode of Press any Button. Superman: The New Superman Adventures, commonly referred to as Superman 64, is an action-adventure game developed and published by Titus Interactive for the Nintendo 64 and based on the television series Superman: The Animated Series. Released in North America on June 1, 1999, and in Europe on July 23, 1999, it is the first 3D Superman game.
Credits: Nicky Smith, Eric Luedtke, Music by Mark Spurlock and Eric Luedtke
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2 responses to “Episode 57: Superman 64”
I thought for sure this episode would only be ten minutes long, I’ve never seen anyone make it past the car part 😂. I’ve never played it but I think it gets unfairly hated since most N64 games are just terrible in general 😎
lol, I think it’s a pretty significant notch below most N64 games. Most games for the N64 just haven’t aged well since 3d was still fairly new at the time and the graphics are dated.