Episode 62: The Evil Within 2

Spooky season is here! What better way to celebrate than with a horrifyingly scary video game? Nicky and Eric get their brains waves pulled into the world of the Evil Within 2 in this spooktacular episode of Press any Button! The Evil Within 2 is a survival horror game developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks for PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One. It was released worldwide in October 2017 and is the sequel to 2014’s The Evil Within.

Credits: Nicky Smith, Eric Luedtke, Music by Mark Spurlock

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One response to “Episode 62: The Evil Within 2”

  1. Andrew Avatar

    I tried to play the first game but got so frustrated and annoyed by the first two levels. I really didn’t like the beginning when your leg was injured and you had to sneak away from the chainsaw guy. Then the next level I got annoyed trying to stealth kill all the enemies while disabling the traps and collecting items. It just got too tedious when I’d die and have to do it all over again. I’m going give it another shot but it put me in a sour mood from the beginning 😂. This sequel sounds like a better game though so it does make me want to try again and hope it gets better!

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