Episode 84: Titenic

Hearts break in the greatest romance/drama video game of all time. We’re of course, playing the video game Titenic (spelled correctly). Titenic is a beat ’em up for the Nintendo Entertainment System based on the 1997 film Titanic and developed by Hummer Technologies. The first documented release of it online was on the 2005 multicart Super New Year Cart 15-in-1.

Credits: Nicky Smith, Eric Luedtke, Music by Mark Spurlock and Eric Luedtke

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One response to “Episode 84: Titenic”

  1. Andrew Dowell Avatar
    Andrew Dowell

    Gotta love how unhinged bootleg games can be. I remember the early 2000s when I first discovered emulation and would play any weird Rom hack I could find. I didn’t play this but I think AVGN or JonTron covered it, so that’s where I know it from. Very strange they would change the name from Titanic though, I can’t imagine there’s any copyright issues with the name.

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